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Is your company
selling Natural
Not exactly! We are more into sourcing & supplying of Raw materials as presently Manufacturers of branded Natural Products need quality raw material on consistent basis. We have experienced during last decade that when we controlled the quality of Neem at raw material stage, the results of the final products were superb. Hence we are more interested to remain focused presently at the raw material collection stage, which is in highly unorganized stage and located in hinterlands. 2. I am interested to do some sort of business involving with Nature and I find your line of products quite interesting. How do we start from here? First of all kindly visit all the products we have offered on our website. Have a look at the industries in your city / state / country where you got contacts / approach / liasoning, etc.. Secondly, you better develop a local small literature ( we shall help you here too )in your language and distribute it to your prospective clients along with the samples. Depending on their interest, kindly place a trial order however small it may be( we very well understand what the initial work is and much needed support ). We shall DOORDELIVER small orders to your office/ go down / factory initially also if you want it. 3. How do we know that the Products provided by your Company are superior? We Export to 35 countries as on today. Then too we understand everybody shall claim there products are superior. Hence we Request you to kindly check our CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS and see for yourself. You can place a small order initially and try our quality. If it suits your end purpose, we can deliver even Container loads! Secondly, after reading our COMPANY PROFILE, you shall very well understand that we are here to stay. We started with Neem Tree and now into almost everything Nature has to offer. You can also view our Client feedback here.
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